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用户名:  Vinny 联系方式:  Pk8FszEqB5
问题时间:  2020-09-06 17:51:45    
问题:  There is really nothing at Trader Joe’s that I do not love. The barbecue ribs are out of this wo;#l&d8230r!!!!!!!I like to take the Teajava, and add a little Passionfruit syrup (Monin brand which has very little calories, and I find it at Homegoods or TJ Maxx) and it tastes EXACTLY like the passionfruit iced tea they serve at the Cheesecake Factory! My fave!
解答:   尚未解答
用户名:  Butch 联系方式:  X1wUMExcAU7I
问题时间:  2020-09-06 17:51:45    
问题:  ‘you suck’ or gives you bad commentary without basis or cotnurtcsive critcism, just ignore them, for doing something like that only highlights how utterly immature they truly are.But even with all this, you have to ask yourself this: Why am i doing this? Why am i making a let’s play video? To be popular? To give people something that makes them laugh?Before you ask advice on how to deal with feedback, first build your foundation, starting with this question. Once that is done, the rest will come to you with work and effort.I hope this helps.
解答:   尚未解答

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